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Armadillos Together

South Central Chapter of the Medical Library Association

SCC/MLA Statement of Appropriate Conduct

Sponsorship Donation - Bronze Level Only

Please use the form below to contribute to the Bronze sponsorship level (under $500) to the SCC/MLA 2021 Virtual Meeting.

Include the following information in the Comment field:

  • Contact information (i.e., name and email address) for the primary registrant and up to 5 additional "guests"
  • Your willingness or interest in providing an item for the prize drawing

Important Note:
This form only accept online p
ayments with a valid credit card (American Express, Discover, Mastercard, Visa). If you need to make an offline payment (e.g., pay by check), please contact for assistance.

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* Mandatory fields
*First Name, etc.
Please include your full given name (first name + middle name/initial, etc.) if you want it listed as such in the membership directory. Examples include "Joan Katherine", "Samuel G.", "Brittany Matthews", etc.
*Last Name
Sponsorship Level
*Donation Amount ($USD)

Conference Location

Connection details will be communicated to you at least one (1) week before the meeting begins in separate emails.

Contact Information

For virtual arrangements questions, contact Katie Prentice or Montie' Dobbins.

For registration questions, contact Jon Crossno.

For billing questions, contact Steven Self.

© 2021 South Central Chapter of the Medical Library Association (SCC/MLA). All rights reserved.
Please send comments regarding the website to the SCC/MLA Webmaster.
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