October 25-29, 2024 • W Dallas – Victory • 2440 Victory Park Ln, Dallas, TX 75219 (map)
Exhibit/Sponsor RegistrationIn an effort to reduce confusion (from previous years) and better manage the exhibitor registration process, all potential exhibitors/sponsors will need to complete a Google Form using the following link: Exhibits & Sponsorships Registration Form Once you've completed the form, you will be contacted via the email that you provide to confirm the details are correct. When you have officially confirmed the information, an invoice will be generated and emailed to you. Online credit card payments are preferred, but payments by check will be accepted if you prefer that route. After payment has been received, we will follow up with on the next steps. Please note: On-site exhibitor representatives will be registered manually after attendee registration officially opens. We will confirm who the expected on-site representatives will be before we begin that process. Lone Star Sponsors
Bluebonnet Sponsors
Sponsorship Levels
Contact InformationFor local arrangements questions, contact Jon Crossno and Kelly Gonzalez. For exhibits/sponsorships questions, contact Sara Ann Stinson and Eva Osborn. For registration questions, contact Jean Hillyer and Tracy Soto. For billing questions, contact Kristy Reynolds. |